Tripple P talks about the process of getting a tattoo with Mullingar Ink

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    When you get in contact with us we’ll ask for as much information as possible including size, placement, design, reference pictures, black and grey, colour and style of tattoo. Don’t worry if you don’t have all of these - we are here to help. We’ll do up your artwork the night before and you will be able to review on the day. Any changes we need to do can be done there and then.

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    When you come in on the day of your booking, we’ll place the stencil on your skin to let you have a look at the size and placement.

Then once we are good to go, we’ll set up our station using brand new needles, inks and cups and are ready to go.

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    Once we’ve completed the artwork, we will wipe and dress it using our second skin and let you know about the procedure of aftercare.